Singapore's Education Minister Ong Ye Kung has publicly stated that Singapore needs an injection of more foreign talent in areas that include software programming. To validate his point for more foreign talent, he blames Singapore's aging population and a shortage of high -tech workers.

He also for the first time made the government's stand clear, they will maintain very little restriction on foreign talent for high end jobs like in the technology industry, but they will have a quota system for lower skilled industries. 

So, the man tipped to be a candidate as Singapore's next PM has assured Singaporeans that the government will keep their word, in that foreign talent in areas such as construction will have e quota, but foreign talent in high end jobs will not be restricted. Because Singaporeans lack the quality and skill for high end jobs, but we are told we can do low skilled ones. Much like the Minister himself, need a back door entrance to go to Parliament, because his talent not good enough to win an election on his own merit.

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